December 3, 2008

Who is zulhusni

This is one of my best friend blogger which today i am thinking of writing a review for him. Alright, things gonna get personal. Firstly, of course zulhusni is his name. Live in Malaysia and still doesn’t have a chance to go abroad. Zulhisam is his father’s name. And zulkifly is his grandpa’s name. All three of them got the same front name ‘zul’. What amaze me that he is only 19 and still studying but he still manage as a teens make money online by blogging.

gaya seorang pendakipoyobiler laa mjlis kawen aku and somad

he in his first year architecture student in IIUM. He is an active and outdoor teen. Moreover, camping and hiking are his hobby and martial arts are his favorite sport. 18 when he first start blogging with blogspot and learn a lot from his father. His father is the one that inspired him on blogging after zulhusni saw his father made his first million with the internet business. Now, he is part timer blogger and a student

Zulhusni dot com a.k.a teens make money online

This blog is dedicated as a personal and an information blog. It was launched on June 2008 after months of learning. He will more focusing on posting about blogging and how to earn extra money only with blogging. As a teen, he always tell his friends to involve in online business especially blogging. Therefore, Teens Make Money Online | Zulhusni is a place for them and for you! If you would like to know more about him and his blog, just just visit

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