Business cards are a very popular way of providing your contact information to others. Business cards are used for a variety of reasons including promoting your service or advertising your business to others and are an extremely important tool. In our busy world, it is often inconvenient to write down someone's information. Being able to simply exchange cards with all that information is very quick and easy. It allows the accurate information to be accessed over and over again. How many times have you wrote down a phone number and put it away? The next time you pulled it out, you couldn't remember what the number was for. Business cards eliminate that from happening.
What should you put on the card?
It is important to make sure all your important contact information is on your business card. Make sure you include your name, business name, address, phone numbers, email address, and web page if you have one. It is also recommended to include your title or type of business.
It is very unprofessional to cross out information on your business card. It is important to make sure everything is correct before distributing them. You are better off paying to have new cards printed when your address or phone number changes than to give out the card with the new information hand written on it. This seems to be very unprofessional, and it is not likely the individuals receiving them will take you seriously.
Make it grab your prospective customers attention
With so many other business cards out there, how do you get yours to stand out and grab people's attention? The best way is to create a unique business card. Most are on stock white paper. Select a different background color for your business card. Scarlet, red, and pink make nice background colors that boldly stand out from the rest.
If you have a company slogan or logo, include them on your business card. In addition to making the card look professional - the receiver of your business card will remember the slogan or logo longer than anything else on the card. It can jog their memory to go take a look at your business card again down the road.
Who to give your card to
Be selective and creative about where you distribute your business cards. The best way to promote your business is to hand out your business card. This allows the receiver to put a face with the card. It creates a feeling of realness attached to the business card. Avoid leaving piles of business cards on the counters in bars and restaurants. They often won't get used properly and in some cases, it might give those who see it a negative image of your business practices.
People often throw out old business cards. To prevent yours from getting worn out and then thrown out, have them laminated. While it does cost a little bit more, it will ensure your card will hold up to the elements and it is less likely the receiver will throw it away.
Business cards offer individuals a great way to network and promote their product or service. Being creative in your card design, including complete contact information, and personally distributing them will all help ensure that handing out your business card will result in generating new business for you.
What should you put on the card?
It is important to make sure all your important contact information is on your business card. Make sure you include your name, business name, address, phone numbers, email address, and web page if you have one. It is also recommended to include your title or type of business.
It is very unprofessional to cross out information on your business card. It is important to make sure everything is correct before distributing them. You are better off paying to have new cards printed when your address or phone number changes than to give out the card with the new information hand written on it. This seems to be very unprofessional, and it is not likely the individuals receiving them will take you seriously.
Make it grab your prospective customers attention
With so many other business cards out there, how do you get yours to stand out and grab people's attention? The best way is to create a unique business card. Most are on stock white paper. Select a different background color for your business card. Scarlet, red, and pink make nice background colors that boldly stand out from the rest.
If you have a company slogan or logo, include them on your business card. In addition to making the card look professional - the receiver of your business card will remember the slogan or logo longer than anything else on the card. It can jog their memory to go take a look at your business card again down the road.
Who to give your card to
Be selective and creative about where you distribute your business cards. The best way to promote your business is to hand out your business card. This allows the receiver to put a face with the card. It creates a feeling of realness attached to the business card. Avoid leaving piles of business cards on the counters in bars and restaurants. They often won't get used properly and in some cases, it might give those who see it a negative image of your business practices.
People often throw out old business cards. To prevent yours from getting worn out and then thrown out, have them laminated. While it does cost a little bit more, it will ensure your card will hold up to the elements and it is less likely the receiver will throw it away.
Business cards offer individuals a great way to network and promote their product or service. Being creative in your card design, including complete contact information, and personally distributing them will all help ensure that handing out your business card will result in generating new business for you.
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