If you have a small business, then every penny counts. Don't let scammers take your money or commit fraud against your business. While you can't guarantee that fraud won't affect you, there are a few things that you can do to reduce the risk of fraud. Here are some tips.
If you are a small business that sells online, you probably either accept credit cards, Paypal or money orders. Do not accept any other forms of payment and never send out any merchandise until all payments clear. If you are selling high priced items, always make sure that you include a tracking number and make the buyer pay for postal insurance. These few tips will cut down on large percentage of your buyer fraud. Most buyers try to pay with other forms of payment or even offer you more money if you sell them the product first and then allow them to pay for it once it delivered.
If you are buying items for your business, beware of the people and sites that you do with business with. If you are unsure of the seller or do not like the website buy somewhere else. Always buy a product with a credit card, Paypal or money order. These types of payments are guaranteed and you can always have some legal recourse in case you don't receive your product. So follow the above tips to protect yourself from fraud.
If you are a small business that sells online, you probably either accept credit cards, Paypal or money orders. Do not accept any other forms of payment and never send out any merchandise until all payments clear. If you are selling high priced items, always make sure that you include a tracking number and make the buyer pay for postal insurance. These few tips will cut down on large percentage of your buyer fraud. Most buyers try to pay with other forms of payment or even offer you more money if you sell them the product first and then allow them to pay for it once it delivered.
If you are buying items for your business, beware of the people and sites that you do with business with. If you are unsure of the seller or do not like the website buy somewhere else. Always buy a product with a credit card, Paypal or money order. These types of payments are guaranteed and you can always have some legal recourse in case you don't receive your product. So follow the above tips to protect yourself from fraud.
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